Marie C.
Yksinkertaisesti parhaat hampaiden valkaisuliuskat mitä voi ostaa. Vaikutus on paljon parempi kuin Amazonin no-name tavaroissa. Olen tehnyt vasta 3 käyttökertaa ja olen jo erittäin tyytyväinen.
Elisa G.
Olen miettinyt hampaiden valkaisua jo pitkään ja kollega suositteli minulle näitä Diamond Smilen valkaisuliuskoja ja ajattelin kokeilla niitä. Olen nyt käyttänyt niitä yhteensä 10 päivää ja näen jo selvää muutosta hampaissani. Hampaani olivat jo valmiiksi hyvin keltaiset, enkä oikein uskonut, että tämä tuote toimisi, mutta se toimi ja hampaani näyttävät paremmilta kuin koskaan. Käyttö ei ollut lainkaan monimutkaista, sillä ohjeet ovat hyvin yksinkertaiset. Itse koin hieman vaikeaksi laittaa liuskat hampaisiin ensimmäisenä päivänä, mutta onnistuin siinä, ja seuraavina päivinä se oli melko helppoa, kun siihen tottuu. Joten kaiken kaikkiaan 10/10, voin vain suositella sitä. Mielestäni se on paras vaihtoehto valkaisulle, sillä 300 euroa on paljon verrattuna 40 euroon, jonka maksat täällä.
Tina E.
Olen testannut valkaisuliuskoja nyt noin 3 viikkoa. En ole käyttänyt niitä 7 päivää putkeen, vaan enemmänkin 3 kertaa viikossa. Minulla oli näkyvä valkaiseva vaikutus heti käytön jälkeen. Toivoisin vain, että liuskat olisivat hieman leveämmät, jotta niitä voisi "taittaa takaisin" paremmin.
Lea O.
Liuskat tekevät sen mitä lupaavat. Eron huomaa jo ensimmäisen käyttökerran jälkeen. Täytyy vielä katsoa, kestääkö tulos pitkällä aikavälillä.
Anja L.
Huomaat paremmat tulokset jo muutaman käyttökerran jälkeen. Toisaalta tarrat eivät aina pysy täydellisesti paikoillaan ja ovat hieman ärsyttäviä.
Pia N.
Kun hammasraudat otettiin pois, etsin edullista tapaa valkaista hampaita ja törmäsin tähän tuotteeseen. Käytin sitä 7 päivää tunnin ajan ja sain todella valkoisemmat hampaat! Hampaani eivät tunnu enää rikkinäisemmiltä tai mitään. Koska kävin ammattimaisessa hampaiden puhdistuksessa etukäteen, sain todella hyvän tuloksen, ehkä vinkkinä muille, jotta tulos olisi vielä parempi :)
Laura P.
Auttaa todella ja näkee välittömän parannuksen Sau hyvä :)
Marie K.
Nauhat ovat suurempia ja leveämpiä kuin muiden valmistajien nauhat, joten ne kattavat suuremman alueen. Kun noin puolet saatavilla olevista valkaisuliuskoista on käytetty, on jo saavutettu kahden väriluokan parannus (6:sta 4:ään). Valkaisuliuskoja on myös enemmän kuin muilla valmistajilla. Ostan uudelleen.
Lea K.
Olen jo käyttänyt nauhoja kerran ja haluaisin antaa ensivaikutelmani. Sisältö koostuu pienistä sinetöidyistä pusseista. Niissä on pitkä kaistale ylempää hammasriviä varten ja lyhyt kaistale alempaa hammasriviä varten.
Molempien liuskojen kiinnittäminen on helppoa ja ne kiinnittyvät hyvin tiukasti hampaisiin.
Noin 30 minuutin kuluttua vaikuttava aine alkaa levitä suussa. Tämä maistuu kitkerältä ja vaatii totuttelua. Kymmenen minuuttia myöhemmin poistin ne jälleen. Luulen, että kitkerään makuun tottuu, ja odotan innolla seuraavia sovelluksia.
Luisa R.
Käytän mielelläni hampaiden valkaisua, koska minulla on jonkin verran hampaiden epäpuhtauksia johtuen lisääntyneestä kahvin kulutuksesta. Jokainen, joka juo paljon kahvia, tietää, että hampaat eivät ole todella valkoiset.
MUTTA hampaat ovat ihmisen tärkein osa. Kun katsot jotakuta, huomaat hänen hampaansa ensin, ja siinä White Strips -liuskat auttavat.
Käytän White Strips -liuskoja 14 päivän välein ja minulla on kaunis valkoinen hymy. Myös hinta-laatusuhde on erittäin hyvä.
Marla E.
Kun olin kokeillut aiemmin toisen merkin valkaisusarjaa, joka ei toiminut, en ollut varma, toimisiko tämä.
Mutta luettuani joitakin positiivisia arvosteluja ajattelin kokeilla sitä vielä kerran.
Minulla oli kerran hampaat valkaistuna ammattimaisesti, mutta se oli niin kivuliasta ja kallista.
Sen sijaan nämä liuskat eivät satu lainkaan, kestävät hyvin, eivätkä ne mielestäni myöskään maistu kauhealta. Pidän siitä, että hampaiden herkkyys on lähes olematonta jälkikäteen, ja voin todella nähdä muutoksen. Olen noin puolivälissä ja hampaani ovat jo paljon kirkkaammat.
Ostan sen varmasti uudelleen.
Bella P.
Vau, todella hyvä tapa keventää tunnelmaa. En olisi uskonut sitä ollenkaan. Kiitos nopeasta toimituksesta, ja liuskojen vaikutus on heti havaittavissa.
Liuskat auttavat ihanasti ja ovat todella hyviä käyttää! Tilaisin niitä ehdottomasti uudelleen! Olen kokeillut monia asioita, mutta mikään ei ole auttanut niin paljon kuin nauhat!
Heike D.
I can only recommend this product to you, it really is awesome.
I have tried several products but never saw a difference. I used it for the first time today and only left it on for 40 minutes instead of 1 hour and the result is just PERFECT!
Rosanna M.
Small results visible after the first application. For people who have very discoloured teeth, I don't think you can get to the lightest result. The delivery was great.
Malou E.
Since I smoke and drink coffee, my teeth discolour very quickly after whitening at the dentist. After about a week, I already had the feeling that the discolouration was somewhat reduced by the strips. A cheap alternative until the next whitening at the dentist. Better than all the other products I have tried so far.
Melinda A.
At first glance, the packaging of the Onuge Bright White Stripes resembles a standard chewing gum wrapper. The tooth whitening set contains 28 whitening strips and instructions for the application itself. Unfortunately, I couldn't find any indication anywhere where which strip should be applied. I therefore decided to apply the long strip at the top and the shorter strip at the bottom.
The application of the strips is easy and the folding went well. Even now, after 5 days, I can leave the strips on for a maximum of 40 minutes, because even without talking or other things, the minty taste becomes unbearable over time. The teeth whitening was as announced slightly spotty at the beginning but fortunately that has given. What was especially great was the feeling of extra smooth teeth after the first application. I can only recommend this bleaching without peroxide, but you should not overdo it in terms of time. If you have sensitive teeth or a tendency to nausea, you have to test the time yourself - just as it is recommended.
Conclusion: I still have a few days of use ahead of me. But I am already satisfied with smoother teeth. If there is still a clearly visible lightening of the colour,
Kaya C.
The teeth actually become whiter with an effort of about 1 hour per day. It's worth it, but you should probably do it permanently, otherwise after a short time the colour difference is immediately visible again.
Dina J.
It makes the teeth visibly whiter, very easy to use. The whiteness is not unnatural but a few shades lighter. Thank you
Anabel P.
I like to use tooth whitening because I have some tooth impurities due to my increased coffee consumption. Everyone who drinks a lot of coffee knows that the teeth are not really white.
BUT the teeth are the most important part of a person. When you look at someone, you notice their teeth first and that's where the White Strips help.
I use the White Strips every 14 days and have a beautiful white smile. The price/performance ratio is also very good.
Mimi U.
I have been using the strips for 9 days now and my teeth have really become whiter (about 2 shades). I still have 5 days to go and I'm curious to see what the final result looks like. At first, wearing the strips was a bit unusual, but now you don't even notice them.
Simone G.
Brush your teeth, as quite a lot of gel remains on the teeth. Positive: The strips are very easy to apply and model. The strips stick very well and don't slip at all. The strips have a pleasant taste (fresh mint). Result: I have to say that I think the strips are really great. Of course, you don't have to expect radiant snow-white teeth, but after using them every day you notice a clear difference (the teeth become a little brighter)!
Pia K.
As a heavy coffee drinker, I am pleasantly surprised. This whitening would probably not have happened with cleaning alone. I wouldn't have thought that after a few applications I would get such a result. The teeth get whiter and brighter with every application. Really easy to use with a pleasant taste of refreshing mint on the sticks. Very satisfied with the price-performance ratio.
Lena D.
I didn't think you would see anything right after the first application. But that's how it was for me. The teeth became a little brighter and I am sure that after further use, the teeth will become even brighter.
Kim F.
There is really not much to say about this product. It does exactly what it is supposed to do! I gave these white strips to my sister, who was very enthusiastic. The results after using them are noticeably whiter than before. I also think that one of these packs will last a long time, as they are usually only used on special occasions.
Jule E.
Finally, strips that really work.
I only treated my upper teeth to test and compare and I have to admit that my teeth have become a few levels brighter.
30 minutes is a long time, but once you get used to it, it's not a problem.
As a smoker, I was plagued by deposits and discolouration, but now I can smoke while my teeth stay white. I can only recommend this to everyone.
Josi M.
I am very satisfied. The 28 strip packs contain one strip each for the upper and lower row of teeth. The strips are placed on the teeth of the respective row (within the field of vision) and lightly pressed on. To ensure that the strips adhere firmly to the teeth, you should dry the teeth with a tissue before application. I usually leave the strips on the teeth for 20-30 minutes. After application, I rinse off the remains of the gel, and I also use a soft toothbrush to really remove everything from the gel. After the first application, the teeth are already visibly brighter, and with regular use, they also remain permanently brighter. I recommend it, because price and performance are right.
Kathrin D.
I started using the strips the day they were delivered.
At the beginning, I didn't see any change except for a good feeling that the teeth look cleaner.
After a while of daily and intensive use, I slowly notice that especially the incisors have become brighter. I will continue to test it!
The price-performance ratio is very good.
Miya F.
I'm currently trying out all the whitening products. And I have to admit that the whitening strips are the easiest to use so far. Just peel them off your teeth and you're done. Compared to the expensive brands, the products on Amazon are in no way inferior and this offer is particularly interesting because it contains a very large number of strips compared to other whitening strips products.
Jessica K.
I absolutely agree with the positive reviews. As I have overlapping teeth, I used to whiten my teeth with liquid gel and a tray and hated it. Luckily, I tried these strips because they are much easier to use and don't have a problem on overlapping teeth. It's easy to put the strips in the right position and the results are great!
Marlene H.
I bought them a while ago and only use them once every few weeks. I always notice a difference! I intend to do a week of these as I'm sure the improvement will be huge. I was very impressed as I was quite sceptical but I will definitely order them again once the pack is empty.
Alena M.
You can see the brightening already with the first application. Applying the strips is also not that complicated. An uncomplicated quick application for a brightly inspiring result. I am impressed.
Anna K.
Pleasant to use, does not make it difficult to speak when wearing the strips. I have noticed with other brands of whitening strips that the teeth become more sensitive after a few applications, but this was absolutely not the case with these White Stripes. After only about 4 strips, my teeth looked whiter than before and the price-performance ratio is also okay in my opinion.
Rika E.
Pleasant to use, does not make it difficult to speak when wearing the strips. I have noticed with other brands of whitening strips that the teeth become more sensitive after a few applications, but this was absolutely not the case with these White Stripes. After only about 4 strips, my teeth looked whiter than before and the price-performance ratio is also okay in my opinion.
Kirstin H.
I like to use tooth whitening because I have some tooth impurities due to my increased coffee consumption. Everyone who drinks a lot of coffee knows that the teeth are not really white.
BUT the teeth are the most important part of a person. When you look at someone, you notice their teeth first and that's where the White Strips help.
I use the White Strips every 14 days and have a beautiful white smile. The price/performance ratio is also very good.
Kathi O.
I was sceptical at first, but I have to be honest: already after the first application you can see an extreme change. I've been using it for a few days now and my teeth are much (!!) brighter. I am so excited to see the final result . Would definitely recommend it to anyone and buy it again myself :)
Petra K.
I imagined it would be better because the Diamond Smile kit worked great for me.
Unfortunately, I didn't achieve my ideal result after 14 days. Nevertheless, it's okay for the price.
Deniz U.
If you want to have white teeth, you should first have your teeth professionally cleaned by a dentist, otherwise you will have spots on your teeth. These strips make the teeth white and you definitely see a difference. Cool thing, I can recommend it.
Cayenne M.
I was sceptical at first, but I have to be honest: already after the first application you can see an extreme change. I've been using it for a few days now and my teeth are much (!!) brighter. I am so excited to see the final result . Would definitely recommend it to anyone and buy it again myself :)
Kristin V.
I was very sceptical at first, as tooth whiteners often don't live up to their promise.
I have been taking these for four days now. I think there is a clear whitening effect. The taste is ok, not great, but 14 days is fine. No problems with the gums or anything else. Great value for money.
Josi M.
It does what it promises and it's great education and aftercare! Of course, everyone's teeth become more sensitive. But you know what you are getting into and you are well advised. I have already bought it twice. My personal result lasted almost 2 years with additional regular professional teeth cleaning.
Caja L.
I got the strips for testing because the reviews convinced me. What I have read here is also true. They really do whiten the teeth the first/second time. But of course it's not a permanent solution (only professional treatment at the dentist helps; costs about 600€). So I use the strips for short-term whitening before evening events or photos etc. and not permanently. For this and the good instructions, as well as the neutral taste, I give the 5 stars.
Susanne J.
I have tried similar strips from Diamond Smile before and I was not disappointed. My teeth are a bit sensitive but I tolerate them well. I can only recommend them to brighten up my teeth a bit, I already notice a difference after a few applications and that without damaging my teeth. The handling is easy and the price is great.
Iva G.
The best strips!
Have tried many different methods and will never use anything else!!!
Very fresh tasting, easy to clean off and quick result.
The white spots disappear after a short time, so no worries!
My teeth have NOT become more sensitive, neither have my friends. I think it always depends on the person.
Will order them again and again!
Rosi D.
Already after the first use, you can see a clear whitening of the teeth. I really didn't think it would happen so quickly! I am really more than satisfied with the result. After 45 minutes of wear, you can see a clear whitening of the teeth. Applied several times, the difference is really enormous. In addition, the teeth have not discoloured back. The product is comfortable to wear and has really exceeded my expectations.
Dorothea U.
Very easy to use, I was sceptical at first, but after about 1 week of daily use, you notice a clear whitening of the teeth. It's best to brush your teeth beforehand and then put the strips on the top and bottom, leave them on for a few minutes and take them off, that's it. 28 whitening strips are enough for 14 days. If you want to have brighter teeth, I highly recommend these whitening strips.
Elly U.
Since I drink a lot of coffee, my teeth discolour quite quickly. Now I got myself the whitening strips to test whether they can counteract this. 28 strips for 14 applications.
The application is simple. You pull the strip off and press it on the upper or lower row of teeth without letting the gums come into contact with it. Simply remove 60 minutes later and you're done. The taste is slightly minty, so it's not unpleasant.
After about a week, I already had the feeling that the teeth had whitened. Let's see how the long-term effect is.
Beatric H.
I have already used the strips once and would like to give my first impression. The content consists of small sealed bags. They contain a long strip for the upper row of teeth and a short strip for the lower row of teeth.
The application of both strips is easy and they stick very firmly to the teeth.
After about 30 minutes, the active ingredient starts to spread in the mouth. This tastes bitter and takes some getting used to. Ten minutes later, I removed them again. I think you get used to the bitter taste and I am looking forward to the next applications.
Gina T.
Unfortunately, my teeth tend to have a slight yellow tinge, which bothers me quite a bit because my teeth are very important to me. Since whitening at the dentist is usually expensive and I have heard of tooth problems/sensitivity afterwards, I wanted to try an uncomplicated product for self-application and came across the White Strips. These last for exactly 2 weeks, which is perfect for a first test. So far I have only tried the strips for a few days, but I can already see the first positive changes. I can't say yet whether these are long-lasting. However, if the results remain positive after 2 weeks, I will certainly use the product in the long term.
Lian O.
I have only been using the product for a few days and I can already see a clear whitening of my teeth. At first, the teeth are a little stained after applying the strips, but this fades away after a while and it is no longer visible. I'm looking forward to finishing using the strips and getting a clear beautiful result. The strips are pleasant to apply and stick quite well on dry teeth and the one hour on the teeth the strips also hold up very well. Removing the strips is not difficult either, and it is interesting that the strips taste nice and fresh!
After using the product, a sticky film remains on the teeth, but this disappears again after brushing directly. So I can only be happy that I purchased this product!!!
I don't even need to talk about the fast and well-packed shipping of the whitening strips.... everything is tip top!
Karina G.
I probably feel the same as many people. At the beginning I was very sceptical because I had already tried so many strips and with all of them I had severe toothache after a few days. But with these it wasn't like that at all! I am absolutely thrilled!
Kim L.
I got the strips together with the set and find both really good. With the strips, however, it's a bit annoying to stick them on. I'm not that skilled at it. But the effect is visible and the teeth remain pain-free even after application.
Lena H.
I got the strips from a friend. She had also used them before and said they were amazing. And I also have to say that I am positively surprised. The teeth aren't brilliantly white, of course, but they are definitely brighter and smoother.
Josi R.
Wow, that's a really good way to brighten up. I wouldn't have thought so. Thank you for the fast delivery and the effect of the strips is immediately noticeable.
The strips help wonderfully and are really good to use! I would definitely order them again! I've tried a lot of things, but nothing has helped as much as the strips!
Kathrin T.
It's quite a good product. The application is more like a 3/5 but maybe others can do better. I bought the set first and then the strips again and find the set better, easier and more effective than the strips.
Josi L.
You can definitely buy them! I use the strips about once a week and am happy with the results.
Jule E.
The strips have helped me sooooo much. I always had little spots on the front of my incisors and they are finally gone! Thank you
Jonas K.
My teeth took two applications and were really visibly brighter. I smoke a lot but the yellowish haze on my teeth is gone!
Max E.
I can only recommend it. Together with the activated charcoal (I always use it before and then the strips on top). It works really well. Since then, I always have fresh breath (that's how it feels).
Janin V.
A very good product and a great addition to the whitening pen and the activated charcoal. I got all three things to test them. The strips had the greatest effect on me. So if you want to be sure, you should buy the strips.
Ana K.
Simply the best teeth whitening strips you can buy. The effect is much better than the no-name stuff on Amazon. I have only done 3 applications and I am already very satisfied.
Marcel T.
Yes, I am also very convinced. I often drink coffee at work and smoke during breaks, so I thought I'd give it a try. After just one week, the first people in the office asked me if I'd had my teeth whitened. :D
Bea H.
My favourite product! I can always take it with me (fits in any wash bag) and it's inconspicuous to use. Teeth always feel smooth and minty afterwards.
Paul O.
I always use the strips on Fridays before I go out and do my hair and get dressed at the same time. It works very well because the strips last well and I don't have to worry about them.
Kathi R.
The strips are top. At first I was afraid that they wouldn't sit or hold properly and that it wouldn't work, but everything works great and the strips are firmly attached to the tooth. After that, just take them off and you're done :)
Cindy I.
The product keeps its promise. Many stains are removed and you have your hand free and can do everything else on the side. Unfortunately, it always has to stay on the teeth for 15-20 minutes.
Nina F.
I can recommend both the strips and the pen. The pen is great when you have to go quickly and you're on the road from a to b anyway. The strips are also great but when you have them on you can see it, so it's best to use them at home and not on the road. Otherwise, I am very satisfied with both results.
Linda T.
My teeth have become 3 shades lighter after half of the possible applications. I am very enthusiastic. I always put on a series in the evening and then apply the strips comfortably on the couch.
Rita P.
After trying a whitening kit from another brand before, which didn't work, I wasn't sure if this would work.
But after reading some positive reviews I thought I'd give it another try.
I had my teeth professionally whitened once but it was so painful and expensive.
In contrast, these strips don't hurt at all, last well, and I don't think they taste terrible either. What I like is that I feel almost no tooth sensitivity afterwards, and I can actually see a change. I'm about halfway through and my teeth are already much brighter.
I will definitely buy it again.
Claudia C.
After trying a whitening kit from another brand before, which didn't work, I wasn't sure if this one would....
But after reading some positive reviews I thought I'd give it another try.
I had my teeth professionally whitened once but it was so painful and expensive.
In contrast, these strips don't hurt at all, last well, and I don't think they taste terrible either. What I like is that I feel almost no tooth sensitivity afterwards, and I can actually see a change. I'm about halfway through and my teeth are already much brighter.
I will definitely buy it again.
Emma P.
I can really only recommend this product, it really is the hammer.
I have tried many products but I have never seen a difference. I used it for the first time today and only left it on for 40 minutes instead of 1 hour and the result is just PERFECT!
The product does what it promises. Many stains are removed and you have your hand free and can do everything else on the side. Unfortunately, it always has to stay on the teeth for 15-20 minutes.
Boris F.
The strips are great. At first I was afraid that they wouldn't fit or hold properly and that it wouldn't work, but everything works great and the strips are firmly attached to the tooth. Afterwards, just take them off and you're done :)
Vivien A.
Since I smoke and drink coffee, my teeth discolour very quickly after whitening at the dentist. After about a week, I already had the feeling that the discolouration was somewhat reduced by the strips. A cheap alternative until the next whitening at the dentist. Better than all the other products I have tried so far.
Rosanna G.
At first glance, the packaging of the White Stripes resembles a normal chewing gum wrapper. The whitening kit contains 28 whitening strips and instructions on how to use them. Unfortunately, I couldn't find any indication anywhere where which strip should be applied. I therefore decided to apply the long strip at the top and the shorter strip at the bottom.
The application of the strips itself is easy and the folding over went well.
Fiona W.
The teeth do indeed become whiter under an effort of about 1 hr per day. It's worth it, but you should probably do it permanently, otherwise after a short time the difference in colour will be seen straight away.
Amber O.
Brushing teeth, as there is quite a lot of gel left on the teeth. Positive: The strips are very easy to apply and model on. The strips adhere very well and do not slip at all. The strips have a pleasant taste (fresh mint). Result: I have to say that I think the strips are really great. Of course, you don't have to expect radiant snow-white teeth, but after using them every day you notice a clear difference (the teeth become a little brighter)!
Georgia L.
As a coffee drinker, I am pleasantly surprised. This brightening would probably not have happened with cleaning alone. I wouldn't have thought that after a few applications I would get such a result. The teeth become whiter and brighter with every application. Really easy to use with a pleasant taste of refreshing mint on the sticks. Very satisfied with the price-performance ratio.
Christian W.
I didn't think you would see anything right after the first application. But that's how it was for me. The teeth became a little brighter and I am sure that after further use the teeth will become even brighter.
Yuri N.
There really isn't much to say about this product. It does exactly what it is supposed to do! I gave these white strips to my sister and she loved them. The results after using them are noticeably whiter than before. I also think that one of these packs will last a long time, as they are usually only used on special occasions.
Kimberly P.
Finally, strips that really work.
I only treated my upper teeth to test and compare and I have to admit that my teeth have become a few levels brighter.
30 minutes is a long time, but once you get used to it, it's not a problem.
As a smoker, I was plagued by deposits and discolouration, but now I can smoke while my teeth stay white. I can only recommend this to anyone.
Doris L.
I am very satisfied. The 28 packets of strips each contain one strip for the upper and one for the lower row of teeth. The strips are placed on the teeth of the respective row (within the field of vision) and lightly pressed on. To ensure that the strips adhere firmly to the teeth, you should dry the teeth with a tissue before application. I usually leave the strips on the teeth for 20-30 minutes. After the application...
Maria F.
I started using the strips the day I received them.
At first I didn't see any change except for a good feeling that the teeth look cleaner.
After a while of daily and intensive use I slowly notice that especially the incisors have become brighter. I will continue to test it!
The price/performance ratio is very good.
Gianna L.
I am currently trying out all the teeth whitening products. And I have to admit that the whitening strips are the easiest to use so far. Just peel them onto your teeth and you're done. Compared to the expensive brands, the products on Amazon are in no way inferior and this offer is particularly interesting because it contains a very large number of strips compared to other whitening strips products.
Jessica U.
I absolutely agree with the positive reviews. As I have overlapping teeth, I used to whiten my teeth with liquid gel and a tray and hated it. Luckily, I tried these strips because they are much easier to use and don't have a problem on overlapping teeth. It's easy to put the strips in the right position and the results are great!
Diana F.
Pleasant to use, does not make it difficult to speak when wearing the strips. I have noticed with whitening strips from other brands that the teeth become more sensitive after a few applications, with these White Stripes that was absolutely not the case for me. After only about 4 strips my teeth looked whiter than before and the price-performance ratio is also okay in my opinion.
Laura D.
Pleasant to use, does not make it difficult to speak when wearing the strips. I have noticed with whitening strips from other brands that the teeth become more sensitive after a few applications, but with these White Stripes that was absolutely not the case. After only about 4 strips, my teeth looked whiter than before and the price-performance ratio is also okay in my opinion.
Louise W.
I like to use tooth whitening because I have some tooth impurities due to my increased coffee consumption. Everyone who drinks a lot of coffee knows that the teeth are not really white.
BUT the teeth are the most important part of a person. When you look at someone, you notice their teeth first and that's where the White Strips help.
I use the White Strips every 14 days and have a beautiful white smile. The price/performance ratio is also very good.
Peter G.
I thought it would be better, because the Diamond Smile kit worked great for me.
Unfortunately, I didn't achieve my ideal result after 14 days. Nevertheless, it is okay for the price.
Mona L.
I was sceptical at first, but I have to be honest : already after the first application you could see extreme change. I've been using it for a few days now and my teeth are much (!!) brighter. I am so excited to see the final result . Would definitely recommend it to anyone and buy it again myself :)
Tina R.
I was very sceptical at first, as tooth whiteners often don't live up to their promise.
I have been using these for four days now. I think there is a clear whitening effect. The taste is ok, not great, but 14 days is fine. No problems with the gums or anything else. Great value for money.
Noel W.
Keeps what it promises and super education and aftercare! Of course, everyone's teeth become more sensitive. But you know what you are getting into and you are well advised. I have already bought it twice. My personal result lasted almost 2 years with additional regular professional teeth cleaning.
Melissa S.
I got the strips for testing because the reviews convinced me. What I have read here is also true. They really do whiten the teeth the first/second time. But of course it's not a permanent solution (only professional treatment at the dentist can help; costs about). So I use the strips for short-term whitening before evening events or photos etc. and not permanently. For this and for the good instructions, as well as the neutral...
Nina M.
Very easy to use, I was sceptical at first, but after about 1 week of daily use, you notice a clear whitening of the teeth. It's best to brush your teeth beforehand and then put the strips on the bottom and top, leave them on for a few minutes and take them off, that's it. 28 whitening strips are enough for 14 days. If you want to have brighter teeth, I highly recommend these whitening strips.
Elena J.
Already after the first use, you can see a clear whitening of the teeth. I really didn't think it would happen so quickly! I am really more than satisfied with the result. After 45 minutes of wear, you can see a clear whitening of the teeth. Applied several times, the difference is really enormous. In addition, the teeth have not discoloured back. The product is comfortable to wear and has really exceeded my expectations.
Jessica A.
Unfortunately, my teeth tend to have a slight yellow tinge, which bothers me quite a bit because my teeth are very important to me. Since whitening at the dentist is usually expensive and I have heard of tooth problems/sensitivity afterwards, I wanted to try an uncomplicated product for self-application and came across the White Strips. These last for exactly 2 weeks, which is perfect for a first test. So far, I have only tried the strips for a few days, but I can already see the first...
Jennifer T.
After trying a whitening kit from another brand before, which didn't work, I wasn't sure if this would work.
But after reading some positive reviews I thought I'd give it another try.
I had my teeth professionally whitened once but it was so painful and expensive.
In contrast, these strips don't hurt at all, last well, and I don't think they taste terrible either. What I like is that I feel almost no tooth sensitivity afterwards, and I can actually see a change. I'm about halfway through and my teeth are already much brighter.
I will definitely buy it again.